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Acting, dialogue delivery, emotions, expressions, make-up, costumes, camera facing, speaking on the mike and connecting yourself with the audience, all these make an actor. The Dramatics club aspires to transform our budding artists into polished actors. Students take active part in every exercise and train under the guidance of our resource person Ms. Malvika. Teacher Merlyn and Tr. Vatsala are their constant help and guide.


In the Aerobics club students are taught exercises that make them sweat, breathe harder and get their hearts to pump faster. These rhythmic routines strengthen their hearts and lungs and make their cardio vascular system more efficient. They help the students to stay active and fit while having fun with rhythm and music.


Students taking up Computer as an activity are taught to work on software that is beyond the school’s basic curriculum. Students work on photo editing software, learn to create beautiful presentations, work with animation software such as Skytz and develop programming skills in Scratch.

Classical Music

Starting with basic ragas and following it up with light classical music is a daily routine of the Classical Music Club. It introduces students and arouses their interest in Indian classical music. This club shapes their musical abilities and provides them with a space to explore their talents.

Western Dance

Dance is an all-time favourite activity of the primary students. The club acts as a platform for students who are passionate about dancing. While the resource person teaches them the steps, the teacher in charge encourages and guides them.

Classical Dance

The term classical was introduced by Sangeet Natak Academy to denote performing art styles. Students of class III, IV and V are taught Kathak (a major classical dance form of Northern India) by Piyush Sisodia. Introduction of Teental, footwork in Teental, ability to recite and perform ten different Todas, recite Teental Theka on hands, ability to perform one dance in Dadra and Keharwa taal are taught to the students. Students take keen interest and learn the dance forms with full of enthusiasm and dedication. The students attend classes regularly, practice at home and even perform Arangetrams. For some student it is their passion, for some it is a tradition, while the others are trying to make their parents' dream come true.

Art & Craft

The club introduces students to basic art and craft activities, which allows them to nuture and develop their creative abilities. Some of the activities undertaken by the students are- Paper Folding (Basic Origami), Drawing and Painting, etc.

Needle Work

The students are taught tassel making, various embroidery stitches like stem stitch, chain stitch, blanket stitch, herringbone, lazy-daisy, etc. Sometimes simple knitting and crochet projects are taken up as well by interested students. Once they have honed their skills in embroidery they are given projects that involve embroidering on table mats or aprons.