About Us

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Mission Statement

Educate, Empower Enlighten

Education is the basis of all progress. It is for this reason that we portray into education, about 20 years ago. Over a decade and a half of experience has taught us that progress is possible only, if men and women are equally well-educated. Thus, we decided to launch an exclusive all residential school - Ascent Academy of Sciences.

We, just like you, believe in holistic education for your child, encompassing - academics, co-curricualar activities, sports education and life-skills learning. Our endeavor is to strike a balance between state-of-aret infrastructure and an internationally acceptable education. After you read through this prospectus, you will be convinced that we are doing what we started out to do.

The spacious campus, residence facility, sports and academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort. In order to promote an internationally acceptable education, our key focus has been on faculty development - providing continuous teacher training in order to deliver real value education and excellence in academics. Teachers are trained not only to teach well but are also expected to inspire confidence and trust in their students and become role models. Further, the School inculcates in the students a respect for tradition and ensures discipline and good manners.

Ascent Academy of Sciences, encourages girls to learn about themselves and their constantly changing environment, while at the same time offering support and guidance as they practice decision-making and social skills.

We are confident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your daughter. We look forward to y our support.